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This document was prepared by Haute Capital Partners SA for information and marketing purposes. However, Haute Capital Partners SA makes no representation or warranty with respect to its contents or completeness and disclaims any liability for loss or damage of any kind incurred directly or indirectly through the use of this document or the information contained herein. All opinions expressed in this document are those of Haute Capital Partners SA at the time of writing and are subject to change without prior notice. Unless otherwise stated, all figures are unaudited. This document is for the information of the recipient only and does not constitute investment advice, an offer or a recommendation to purchase financial instruments and does not release the recipient from his or her own evaluation and judgement. This document is explicitly not intended for persons whose nationality, place of residence or other characteristics prohibit access to such information due to applicable legislation.
Every investment involves risks, particularly those of fluctuations in value and income. Collective investments are volatile and an investment may result in the total loss of the capital invested. Furthermore, performance data does not account for the commissions and costs that may be charged on issue and/or redemption. Furthermore, it cannot be guaranteed that the performance of comparable indices will be achieved or exceeded. A positive performance in the past or the indication of such a performance is no guarantee of a positive performance in the future. Investments in foreign currencies may be subject to currency fluctuations. There is an additional risk that the foreign currency may lose value against the investor's reference currency.